landscape photo from driftless area - trail through woods

Project Area:

Current conditions in the Driftless Area, ASCC project site
Dry-mesic forest in the Driftless Area. Photo Credit: Courtney Peterson, Colorado State University 


The Driftless Area is participating in a study called the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) Network. The goals of this project are to test different silvicultural approaches to climate change adaptation that will also serve as useful examples across the U.S. and Canada.

The Driftless Area ASCC project sites are located in northeastern Iowa, southeastern Minnesota, and southwestern Wisconsin. Each site has silt loam soils and mature dry-mesic forests dominated by northern red and white oak.






Site Leads & Partners:

Miranda Curzon (Iowa State University) is the site lead for the Driftless Area. Key partners include Bruce Blair and Jeff Goerndt (Iowa Department of Natural Resources), Brad Hutnik and Greg Edge (Wisconsin Division of Forestry), and Mike Reinikainen and Paul Dubuque (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources)

Driftless Area ASCC Site Lead